After learning that my RSS feed was broken for a long time (thanks Tijl), I implemented a new
Feedburner feed. By clicking on the
RSS icon

on the right hand column, you can add my feed to your favorite aggregator. Alternately, if you are using
FireFox/Mozilla, you can click on the same icon in the location bar of your browser and add it as a live bookmark.
To anyone who tried to subscribe before, sorry for the inconvenience.
well, i guess i'm probably just the only person visiting your blog ;-)
although... did you see Kris Hirst mentioning your blog at archaeology.about.com ?
Well, atleast you are only one to leave comments. :)
I did see that on archaeology.about.com. Very cool. I thanked Kris, whe seems very nice.
Keep those comments coming Tijl!
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