Saturday, March 25, 2006

Google Map of Excavations in Flanders

OpenGraven Be is Google maps based mapping of archaeological excavations in the Flanders region of Belgium (written in Flemish). Below the heading there are links to display sites mapped across Flanders organized by time periods. Each point on the map documents an excavation with a representative photo. Also embedded, is a link to more information regarding that site.

This project represents a first look at what will probably be a pretty common method of deploying archaeological information. One certain advantage is the price and efficiency of using the Google Maps API. Benefiting most from such efforts will most likely be heritage tourism sites. The ability to locate and access information on public excavation and interpretation efforts from an intuitive and common interface will help bring in the people.

A paper [Abstract] on this project is scheduled for presentation by Vereenooghe Tijl (Catholic University Leuvwn, Belgium at the Computer Application and Quantitative Methods (CAA06) April 18th. I will be talking much more about this conference and certain papers throughout the next few weeks. Held for the first time in the United States, the CAA06 is an international showcase for the use of technology in archaeology.

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